Botanically, maize is a grass and therefore related to wheat, rye and co. In some countries it is as important as rice as a staple food in the Asian region. It is also called Kukuruz
(especially in Austria), Turkish wheat or Welschkorn. In the USA it is simply called "corn".
In contrast to the very starchy "feed corn", the "sweet corn", which is mainly grown as food for humans, has a gene that delays the conversion of sugar into starch. The pale yellow or
whitish grains are soft, juicy and sweet and hence the name! But this has nothing to do with genetic engineering. Sweet corn is the result of centuries of traditional selection.
The edible maize grains are the seeds of a resistant annual plant, from which the characteristic polenta is made in Italy, tortillas in Mexico and whisky in America. Maize can also be
frozen very well, but should always be blanched briefly beforehand. Frozen corn cobs last up to 1 year, frozen corn grains should be used up after 3 months.
Its high nutritional value and energy content make sweet corn the ideal healthy filling agent. Cooked fresh sweet corn contains a lot of folic acid, potassium, vitamins, vital trace
elements such as selenium, iron, magnesium and zinc and the important dietary fibres. Especially remarkable, however, is the very high content of the nerve vitamin thiamine (B1). Corn is
therefore the best natural tranquilizer, vitalises the ability to concentrate, improves brain performance and intellect, makes you more resistant in stressful situations and, with plenty of
biotin, also provides beautiful skin and strong hair.
To butter hot corn on the cob, fill a tall glass vessel with hot water and add a larger piece of butter. The butter melts and floats on top of the water. If the hot cob is dipped in and
slowly pulled out again, the corn cob is evenly covered with butter everywhere.
producer | Hersteller: FNK |
association | Bioland |
origin | Germany |
unit | Stück |