from Denmark. Like a sea breeze, piquant and spicy. Semi-hard cheese with 48% fat in dry matter, matured in the salty North Sea air. With lactose
Thise Mejeri is situated in the north of Denmark, in the middle of the gently undulating landscape by the Limfjord. The organic dairy was founded in 1988. From the very beginning, the aim
was to achieve 'ecological quality without compromise and pure taste experience' Thise Mejeri offers a wide range of products.
MILK*, lactic acid culture, cheese rennet, salt
contains the following allergenic ingredients: Milk
Special features:
Awarded the Danish Gourmet Prize 2008, the jury's unanimous decision was justified with the following words: Beautiful structure and a good consistency, breaks fine and is almost
crystallized. Convince your customers with a taste of this speciality with its taste, which reminds of the elemental force of the North Sea.
producer | Hersteller: Thise Mejeri |
association | EC-controlled |
certification authority | DK-ØKO-100 |
origin | Dänemark |
unit | Stück |
quality | DK-ØKO-100 |
Wir bemühen uns stets um exakte Angaben, aber gelegentlich passieren Fehler. Bitte kontrolliere ggf. die Angaben auf dem Etikett des Produktes. Sollten unsere Angaben fehlerhaft sein, werden wir den Artikel natürlich zurück nehmen!
Energie kJ / kcal | Fett | davon gesättigte Fettsäuren | Kohlenhydrate | davon Zucker | Eiweiß | Salz |
412 kcal | 32,0 g | 20,0 g | 0,1 g | 0,1 g | 31,0 g | 2,1 g |
Gekühlt bei 8 °C lagern
Pasteurisierte bio KUHMILCH*, Salz, Milchsäurekulturen, mikrobieller Labaustauschstoff.Fettstufe: Vollfettstufe (DE)
Reifezeit 30 Woche(n) , rindengereift
Käsegruppe: Hartkäse (DE)
Fettgehalt in Trockenmasse: mindestens 48 %
Energie | Fett | gesättigte Fettsäuren | Kohlenhydrate | Zucker | Eiweiss | Salz |
1713 kJ = 412 kcal | 32.0g | 20.0g | 0.1g | 0.1g | 31.0g | 2.1g |
Nettofüllmenge: 1.7 Kilogramm (kg) Stück
kein Pfand (DE)
kein Pfand (AT)