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Cheese "Nordsee"

piquant and spicy
, association: EC-controlled
, certification authority: DK-ØKO-100
, origin: Dänemark
product photo for Cheese "Nordsee"
Delivery options:
approx. 6,58 € / Stück
32,90 € / kg
7% VAT
class II
Reference price, This product will be weighed in.


North Sea cheese

from Denmark. Like a sea breeze, piquant and spicy. Semi-hard cheese with 48% fat in dry matter, matured in the salty North Sea air. With lactose
Thise Mejeri is situated in the north of Denmark, in the middle of the gently undulating landscape by the Limfjord. The organic dairy was founded in 1988. From the very beginning, the aim was to achieve 'ecological quality without compromise and pure taste experience' Thise Mejeri offers a wide range of products.
MILK*, lactic acid culture, cheese rennet, salt
contains the following allergenic ingredients: Milk

  • = ingredients from organic farming, ** = ingredients from organic dynamic cultivation
This list of ingredients corresponds to a full declaration in the sense of the guidelines of the Bundesverband Naturkost & Naturwaren.

Special features:
Awarded the Danish Gourmet Prize 2008, the jury's unanimous decision was justified with the following words: Beautiful structure and a good consistency, breaks fine and is almost crystallized. Convince your customers with a taste of this speciality with its taste, which reminds of the elemental force of the North Sea.

producer Hersteller: Thise Mejeri
certification authorityDK-ØKO-100



Pasteurisierte bio KUHMILCH*, Salz, Milchsäurekulturen, mikrobieller Labaustauschstoff.
*aus kontrolliert ökologischer Erzeugung


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  • enthält Milch
  • enthält
  • enthält Milcheiweiß
  • enthält Gluten
Nutritional values per 100g (or 100ml)
Energie kJ / kcal Fett davon gesättigte Fettsäuren Kohlenhydrate davon Zucker Eiweiß Salz
412 kcal 32,0 g 20,0 g 0,1 g 0,1 g 31,0 g 2,1 g

Nordsee Käse 48% Bio

Thise Dairy is located in Northwest Jutland and the organic milk used to make the cheese comes from the Thise farmers - the owners of the dairy.to the west, it is the waves of the North Sea that form the natural border of the region. Here we are in the middle of the west wind zone, in the eye of the hurricane - or at least close to itNORTH SEA CHEESEThise North Sea cheese is produced at Thise Dairy, but matures at Bovbjerg Lighthouse - right by the foaming North Sea. The fresh, salty sea air is drawn into the cheese store via an ingenious ventilation system. There, the system ensures a continuous exchange of sea air. As a result, the cheeses are constantly enveloped in the fresh scent of the sea. After six months in the sea air, the cheeses are practically unrecognizable as they are marked by the weather: They weigh a few kilos less and have a firmer consistency and a more yellow and sun-browned color.A semi-hard cheese with a harmonious and slightly nutty taste. Aged for about 30 weeks.

Gekühlt bei 8 °C lagern

Herstellung in Dänemark , Nordwestjütland .
Ursprung/Rohstoffe: Dänemark
Origin of agricultural ingredients
EU Bio-Siegel


Retention/usage instructions
Bei max +8 Graden Celcius.


Thise Mejeri AmbA

Marke Thise Mejeri



Pasteurisierte bio KUHMILCH*, Salz, Milchsäurekulturen, mikrobieller Labaustauschstoff.
*aus kontrolliert ökologischer Erzeugung


Ja, von Natur aus gegeben Vegetarian Glutenfrei Without pork Without beef


May be present in traces
Cashewnüsse , Dinkel , Gerste , Hafer , Haselnüsse , Khorasan-Weizen , Macadamianüsse , Mandeln , Paranüsse , Pecannüsse , Pistazien , Roggen , Sonstiges glutenhaltiges Getreide , Walnüsse , wheat
According to recipe contain
Milcheiweiss , lactose , milk


Fettstufe: Vollfettstufe (DE)

Reifezeit 30 Woche(n) , rindengereift

Käsegruppe: Hartkäse (DE)

Fettgehalt in Trockenmasse: mindestens 48 %

Mikrobieller Labaustauschstoff
Kunststoffüberzug nicht zum Verzehr geeignet
mit pasteurisierter Milch hergestellt
Nordsee Käse hat einen tiefen und abgerundeten Ges

Durchschn. Nährwerte

pro 100 g:
Energie Fett gesättigte Fettsäuren Kohlenhydrate Zucker Eiweiss Salz
1713 kJ = 412 kcal 32.0g 20.0g 0.1g 0.1g 31.0g 2.1g


Nettofüllmenge: 1.7 Kilogramm (kg) Stück
kein Pfand (DE)
kein Pfand (AT)

Last-Update: 06/03/25, 5:50 am / Bio Nordsee Käse / 1d87f00f-eca5-490b-81c7-125cc600d45d / Version: 5


Hersteller: Thise Mejeri

mrk: 5545
Thise Mejeri
DK 7870 Roslev
Thise – die dänische Bio-Molkerei mit großer Leidenschaft für Molkereiprodukte
(Daten von Ecoinform)

Marke: Thise Mejeri

Thises Werte: Ökologie, Kampfgeist und Integrität