The small cheese dairy ³Fromagerie Biologique de Vielsalm³ is located in the middle of the High Ardennes in the south-eastern part of Belgium in the border triangle
Belgium-Luxembourg-Germany. Only organic milk is processed here. The harsh, humid climate of this region dominated by forests and meadows offers ideal conditions for dairy farms to produce
high-quality milk. Organic farming is also supported by the fortunate fact that the Ardennes region is still very close to nature and has little industrial development. The organic milk
used for cheese production comes from animals that enjoy exercise, fresh air and sunlight. These cows graze on lush green meadows, where a variety of different grasses and herbs still grow.
The cheese dairy thus makes its contribution to maintaining the rural structure.
producer | Hersteller: Würth Biokäse & Feinkost GmbH |
association | EC-controlled |
certification authority | BE-BIO-02 |
origin | BE |
unit | Stück |
quality | BE-BIO-02 |
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Energie kJ / kcal | Fett | davon gesättigte Fettsäuren | Kohlenhydrate | davon Zucker | Eiweiß | Salz |
1616 kJ / 390 k | 31,5 g | 19 g | 1 kcal | 0 kcal | 24 kcal | 1,45 g |
Nach dem Öffnen gekühlt lagern
Gekühlt bei 7 °C lagern
Fettstufe: Rahmstufe (DE)
Reifezeit 6 Woche(n) , Naturkeller- / Höhlen-gereift
Käsegruppe: Schnittkäse (DE)
Fettgehalt in Trockenmasse: mindestens 50 %
Fettgehalt im Milchanteil: mindestens 3.5 %
Energie | Fett | gesättigte Fettsäuren | Kohlenhydrate | Zucker | mehrwertige Alkohole | Eiweiss | Salz |
1616 kJ = 390 kcal | <33.0g | 19.0g | 1.0g | 0.0g | 0.0g | <27.0g | <1.8g |
Nettofüllmenge: 3.0 Kilogramm (kg)
kein Pfand (DE)
kein Pfand (AT)