Annual, fast-growing mixture of blue lupin (Zeus), buckwheat, seed vetch (Gravesa), sunflower for ornamental purposes, Alexandrine clover (Axi), Persian clover (Gorby), seradella, phacelia
(Anabela), dill, Mauritanian mallow, motherwort and borage. Insect buffet is ideal as a flowering strip at the edge of the garden. The soil recovers, is deeply rooted, the soil quality
improves and bees, bumblebees and other insects feast on the nectar. TIP: Spread the contents of the bag thinly and evenly over approx. 15 m², cover lightly with soil and keep moist until
Sowing: mid-May to the end of JulyBlooming from the beginning of June to the end of OctoberContent is sufficient for
approx. 15 m²Please store seeds in a dry, cool and dark place!
Herstellung in Deutschland . Ursprung/Rohstoffe: Deutschland
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